"All 3 of my children have had the pleasure of learning at Brockville Montessori. I have always been amazed at their progress over such a short period of time. The ability to work independently, has carried over into every part of their lives. Not only are they learning academically, they are being taught life skills such as manners, working together, cleaning up after themselves and taking pride in everything they accomplish. The foundation that my children have built during their time at this wonderful school will help them achieve their goals throughout their lives."



"As we are nearing the end of Poppy's 3rd year, I wanted to share with the other parents how magical we think Poppy's Montessori experience has been. 

If anyone wants to talk to me about the differences between the Montessori method, and the local Brockville kindergarten program, I'd be happy to share because our girls did one each. Focusing on the positives of Montessori, we see Poppy has a far more developed desire for exploration, can think logically through complex tasks, and has a genuine excitement for wholesome activities such as sewing, reading, caring for plants, and preparing food. These were all skills fostered at Montessori, and we love watching her as she progresses. 

Next year in grade one, I'm confident that she'll be extremely well prepared for her next steps, and she'll be launching right into a French immersion program. I expect she'll enter grade one as the only child able to read chapter books, and the Montessori math will have prepared her well for what comes next. I know she will miss the civilized lunch times (setting tables, clearing dishes) but we can let her take over that task at dinner time :)."

-Alissa Sexton




My name is Nalina and I am a Montessori kid.  I loved going to Montessori and when I started Grade 1, I was ready and as independent as I could be. I learned to read very well at Montessori.  I remember all of the phonogram boxes and think about them when I read.  Reading is what I love most.  I can sit for hours and keep reading.  My brother and I have done very well at local spelling bees because of our strong language background at Montessori. Maria Montessori said, "Never help a child with a task at which she feels she can succeed by herself." I will always be grateful that Mrs. Leslie, Miss Erica and Mrs. Aletenpohl always believed in me and let me learn on my own.  This is why I am independent, confident and love to learn, because I went to Brockville Montessori school."

-Nalina Bhatt



Being a first time mother brings in lots of anxiety ,we want to choose the best for our child.I wanted my child to get the best in terms of education,atmosphere and social skills and BMS gave it all.I could start much before any child would start regular school.My daughter is not only playing with toys but in a fun way she is learning so much .Every activity is geared towards something educational be it reading ,numbers or day to day skills. Both the teachers Mrs.Leslie and Miss Erica are great role models for the kids,my daughter is so fond of both of them.Its like a family ,warm,comfortable with small number of students ensuring personal attention to everyone ,and the choice of opting for part-time or full time according to our schedule.My daughter looks forward to going to her school,that's the kind of love for school and learning every parent would like their child to develop.BMS prepares your child with a strong learning base and social skills which is really important when the child starts regular school. I am glad I made the best choice for my daughter and would definitely recommend BMS to any parent who is looking not just for a daycare but instead the real quality base for their child."
Dr.Shalini Gulati

"We've marveled at how much our daughter, Sarah, has developed at Brockville Montessori School.  She was printing at three years of age and reading and writing stories when she was four.  Now in the final year of the program, she is writing even more advanced stories and enjoying further math activities.  Every week she has new art to put up at home, and more words to share from her French classes.  Sarah has flourished in the nurturing and caring environment and small class size.  The school has introduced her to many new experiences:  music, Italian culture, field trips to farms, a children's Olympics and concern for the environment. 

The teachers have inspired Sarah's creativity and provided a wonderful and fun introduction to school.  They build up the students' self-confidence and abilities in small sensible steps, with each activity and year building on past accomplishments.  They also emphasize courtesy and respect.  Sarah has met her best friends at the school, and we have also been pleased to meet new friends among the parents.

Sarah is fortunate to have received the best possible start to her education."

Tom Simko and Shireen VanBuskirk


"I am the parent of a three year old boy who attends the Montessori school in Brockville...
The program itself is amazing but it's the knowledgable, dedicated, patient and caring teachers that truly make this experience a very special one.
One of the many examples is the level of communication to the parents. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from the teacher who simply wanted to share positive things about my son and his progress!
I highly recommend the Brockville Montessori school to any parent/caregiver who wants a welcoming and positive atmosphere which enhances their child's development and education!
Dawn S.